git pull
over SSHgraph LR
GitPull[Git Pull] --> |via SSH| GitLabShell[gitlab-shell]
GitLabShell --> |API call| GitLabRails[gitlab-rails\\nauthorization]
GitLabRails --> |accept or decline| Gitaly[Gitaly session]
git push
over SSHgraph LR
subgraph "User initiates"
GitPush[Git push] --> |via SSH| GitLabShell[gitlab-shell]
GitLabShell --> |establish Gitaly session| GitlabShellReceiveHook[gitlab-shell\\npre-receive hook]
subgraph "Gitaly"
GitlabShellReceiveHook --> |API auth call| GitLabRails[Gitlab-rails]
GitLabRails --> AcceptOrDecline[accept or decline push]
%%{init: { "fontFamily": "GitLab Sans" }}%%
participant Git on client
participant GitLab SSHD
participant Rails
participant Gitaly
participant Git on server
Note left of Git on client: git fetch
Git on client->>+GitLab SSHD: ssh git fetch-pack request
GitLab SSHD->>+Rails: GET /internal/api/authorized_keys?key=AAAA...
Note right of Rails: Lookup key ID
Rails-->>-GitLab SSHD: 200 OK, command="gitlab-shell upload-pack key_id=1"
GitLab SSHD->>+Rails: GET /internal/api/allowed?action=upload_pack&
Note right of Rails: Auth check
Rails-->>-GitLab SSHD: 200 OK, { gitaly: ... }
GitLab SSHD->>+Gitaly: SSHService.SSHUploadPack request
Gitaly->>+Git on server: git upload-pack request
Note over Git on client,Git on server: Bidirectional communication between Git client and server
Git on server-->>-Gitaly: git upload-pack response
Gitaly -->>-GitLab SSHD: SSHService.SSHUploadPack response
GitLab SSHD-->>-Git on client: ssh git fetch-pack response